DNA Focus

Fourth Quarter 2014

Quarterly publication of the Dermatology Nurses' Association.

Issue link: https://ahint.epubxp.com/i/454963

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8 D E R M ATO L O G Y N U R S E S ' A S S O C I AT I O N | Vo l u m e 3 3 , N u m b e r 4 ON THE SIDE What do you do when you're not working? I love spending time with my family. My husband who had been work- ing almost opposite shifts than me for the past 15 years is fnally home at night. It is great spending the evenings with him, as well as our now 13-year-old teenage daughter. She makes us proud with all of her accomplishments in both academics and athletics. My grand- children, now 4 years old and 1 year old are also the most precious grandchildren ever. Nana loves them dearly. I am also very close to my two sisters, brother, and parents. My church family is also a very important part of my life. What would you be doing if you hadn't become a dermatology nurse? Heaven forbid, I probably would have stayed employed in the hospital, working as a medical nurse on a telemetry unit working crazy shifts with a lot of codes and very sick people. If I hadn't become a nurse at all, I would have loved to be a teacher. What is the most dangerous thing you've ever done? Bear and boar hunting in the Nantahala National Forest. (I'm not very daring, but this is an experience — both scary and exhilarating at the same time). Do you have any civic organizations/community involvement? Athletic Booster Club, PTSA, volunteer on the Cypress Pointe Fire & Rescue (as an EMT). "Words to live by" or favorite quote? "God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things that I can, and the wisdom to know the difference," and "Never, ever give up!" What's the frst thing you do when you get home from work on a Friday evening? Kiss and hug my husband. Always the frst and last thing of every day. Then I can kick my shoes off! DNA LEADERSHIP CORNER "God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things that I can, and the wisdom to know the difference," and "Never, ever give up!" q u o t e s to Live By My grandchildren, now 4 years old and 1 year old are also the most precious grandchildren ever. Nana loves them dearly.

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